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Alternatives to an Agentless Azure SQL DB

Reitse Eskens gives us a few alternatives to use when we need something like SQL Agent but are running in Azure SQL Database:

What i got into was the following. For a project we’re loading an Azure sql database (serverless) with a lot of data (think billions of rows) that has to come from an on-premises Oracle server. We’re using a vpn connection with network peering to connect to the on-premises server and using a VM with a third-party tool to load the data.

Normally we’re delta-loading the database but because it’s a new project we need to perform an initial load. Nothing really weird, just a huge number of records that needs to pass through. And every now and then the application freezes and refuses to thaw. Because it’s hard to find out when the freezing will start, we want to monitor some processes on the database.

Now on a normal SQL Server i’d create a job in the Agent and be done with that part. But not on Azure. Because the agent doesn’t exist there. In SSMS you’ll see a huge empty space where the agent ought to be.

Reitse lists five separate options. A sixth would be to spin up SQL Server in a VM and use its agent for scheduling. And there are a few more alternatives as well in the ‘outside scheduler’ realm.