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Ewald Cress continues his dive into system internals, this time looking at SOS_Mutex:

Put differently, we can build a mutex from an auto-reset EventInternal by tacking on an owner attribute, making a rule that only the owner has the right to signal the event, and adding assignment of ownership as a fringe benefit of a successful wait. A nonsignalled event means an acquired mutex, and a signalled event means that the next acquisition attempt will succeed without waiting, since nobody currently owns the mutex. The end result is that our SOS_Mutex class exposes the underlying event’sSignal() method and its own take on Wait(). From the viewpoint of the mutex consumer, the result of a successful wait is that it owns the mutex, and it should act honourably by calling Signal() as soon as it is done using the resource that the mutex stands guard over.

There’s some deep detail here, so this is definitely one of those “after your first cup of coffee” posts to read.