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Kellyn Pot’vin-Gorman explains the DM_DB_LOG_STATS dynamic management function in SQL Server 2017:

This is an addition to SQL Server 2017 and available in Azure Database/Azure Data Warehouse to simplify and synchronize how we query information about log statistics, not just backups.  The added benefit of this is that it only requires the VIEW DATABASE STATE privilege to utilize it, which eases the demand on anyone who’s tried to grant rights to view backup information to non-DBA personnel in previous releases.  With this DMV, you can monitor, alert and kick off jobs to manage the transaction log backups.

It does require the database_id to be passed to it to provide results, but who keeps that around?  Much easier to just do a Cross Apply to sys.databases and make your life simple.

Click through to see what’s included on this useful DMV.