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Top 6 Things Microsoft Ever Did to SQL Server

Brent Ozar has a list:

This entire blog post is driven by the #1 feature in this list. I think about the #1 feature a lot, like at least once a week. I think about it so much that I had to stop and think about what other similar great things Microsoft has done over the years, and be thankful for what a nice platform this is to work with. Let’s go through 6 of my favorite Microsoft decisions.

I have to warn you: some of my takes are weird.

English Query was definitely an idea before its time. It was a great idea that I’m sure demoed well (though that was before I got into SQL Server, so can’t tell you from personal experience), but it was dog slow.

Read on for the rest of the list. Admittedly, sometimes I wish Microsoft had gone through on its deprecation notice around statements not ending in a semi-colon, just to watch the world burn.