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Memoizing Functions with Snowflake

Kevin Wilkie is speaking my language (that is, the language of functional programming):

If you’ve been working with data for several years like I have – mostly using the SQL language – then I have a term for you that other languages, like JavaScript or Python, have had for a few years. The term is “memoizable” and it means, in a nutshell, to remember. A memoizable function caches the results so that it can return the resultset in record time, given the same parameters.

Yeah, it’s a fancy term that basically states, “Instead of calculating the result each time, I’ll just create a lookup table of all possible inputs and what the output is.” It’s really helpful when you have a small number of possible inputs and generating a result takes a while.

Read on to learn more about how this works in Snowflake, including several limitations.

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