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Day: July 25, 2024

Changing Distributions and Simpson’s Paradox

Jerry Tuttle describes a paradox:

So you spent hours, or maybe days, cranking out thousands of numbers, you submit it to your boss just at the deadline, your boss quickly peruses your exhibit of numbers, points to a single number and says, “This number doesn’t look right.” Bosses have an uncanny ability to do this.

      Your boss is pointing to something like this: Your company sells property insurance on both personal and commercial properties. The average personal property premium increased 10% in 2024. The average commercial property premium increased 10% in 2024. But you say the combined average property premium decreased 3% in 2024. You realize that negative 3% does not look right.

Although the blog post doesn’t explicitly mention Simpson’s paradox, I’d argue that this is a good example of the idea. H/T R-Bloggers.

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Plotting Individual Values and Means of Multiple Groups in R

Ali Oghabian builds a graph:

In this post I show how groupScatterPlot(), function of the rnatoolbox R package can be used for plotting the individual values in several groups together with their mean (or other statistics). I think this is a useful function for plotting grouped data when some groups (or all groups) have few data points ! You may be wondering why to include such function in the rnatoolbox package ?! Well ! I happen to use it quit a bit for plotting expression values of different groups of genes/transcripts in a sample or expression levels of a specific gene/transcript in several sample groups.

Click through for the sample code and output. H/T R-Bloggers.

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Comparing Configuration of Two SQL Server Instances

Jana Sattainathan checks the labels on these bottles:

A lot of times, you have nearly identical database servers for an application running in Production, Test and Development but you may notice performance differences between them for the same data/queries that you could not attribute to any reason since CPU, Memory, Disk etc., may all be identical.

This is, strictly speaking, a comparison of configurations rather than data differences, indexing, and the like. Nonetheless, it’s useful to make this sort of comparison just to ensure that your instances have your desired state configuration.

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Shared Library Preloading in PostgreSQL

David Wheeler talks pre-loading:

Recently I’ve been trying to figure out when a Postgres extension shared libraries should be preloaded. By “shared libraries” I mean libraries provided or used by Postgres extensions, whether LOADable libraries or CREATE EXTENSION libraries written in C or pgrx. By “preloaded” I mean under what conditions should they be added to one of the Shared Library Preloading variables, especially shared_preload_libraries.

The answer, it turns out, comes very much down to the extension type. Read on for details.

Read on for an interesting discussion of what pre-loading means and the circumstances you should consider along the way.

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Microsoft Purview Classifications and Sensitivity Labels

James Serra labels the data:

I see a lot of confusion on how classifications and sensitivity labels work in Microsoft Purview. This blog will help to clear that up, but I first must address the confusion with Purview now that multiple products have been renamed to Microsoft Purview. I decided to use a question-and-answer format that will hopefully clear up the confusion (I was very confused too!):

Purview is a fantastic product. I just wish it cost about 10% as much as it does; then I could heartily recommend it to people.

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