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Building a Full-Stack App with Kafka and Node.js

Lucia Cerchie builds an application:

A well-known debate: tabs or spaces? Sure, we could set up a Google Form to collect this data, but where’s the fun in that? Let’s settle the debate, Kafka-style. We’ll use the new confluent-kafka-javascript client (not in general availability yet) to build an app that produces the current state of the vote counts to a Kafka topic and consumes from that same topic to surface them to a JavaScript frontend. 

Why are we using this client in particular? It comes from Confluent and is intended for use with Apache Kafka® and Confluent Platform. It’s compatible with Confluent’s cloud offering as well. It builds on concepts from the two most popular Kafka JavaScript client libraries: KafkaJS and node-rdkafka. The functionality is based on node-rdkafka, however, it also provides a way to interface with the library via methods similar to those in KafkaJS due to their developer-friendy nature. There are two APIs: the first implements the functionality based on node-rdkafka; the second is a promisified API with the methods akin to those in KafkaJS. By choosing this client, we can access wide functionality and have a smooth developer experience via the dev-friendly methods.

Click through for the code and explanation. Meanwhile, tabs in my heart, spaces in my job.