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Day: July 11, 2024

Random Walks in R with TidyDensity

Steven Sanderson goes for a walk:

A random walk is a mathematical object that describes a path consisting of a succession of random steps. It’s a cornerstone concept in fields like physics, economics, and biology. In finance, for example, the random walk hypothesis suggests that stock market prices evolve according to a random walk and thus cannot be predicted.

Read on to see how you can generate a dataset matching a random walk, as well as a comparison of techniques for generating them.

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Measure-Object in Powershell

Patrick Gruenauer counts the ways:

The Measure-Object cmdlet counts objects. But it can do even more. We can calculate the sum, the average and much more. In this blog post I show a few examples with Measure-Object. Let’s dive in.

It’s a fairly straightforward cmdlet but it has a lot of use, being a combination of something like wc in Linux as well as collecting basic statistics on objects.

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JSON and JSONB Data Types in Postgres

Andrea Gnemmi covers a pair of data types to manage one thing:

We have all encountered the need to store non-structured or semi-structured data in an RDBMS; XML or JSON data in particular. This can be complicated, especially in the past with limited technical options, and even more complicated if we want to query this data efficiently.

Read on to learn more about the differences between JSON and JSONB, as well as mechanisms you can use to query subsets of the data.

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Visual Calculations and Multi-Bar Graphs

Erik Svensen builds a thing:

In this post I will guide you through creating this chart in Power BI – it is a stacked bar chart that show the size/impact of three different measures – Sales Value, Sales Units and Avg Price in one visual.

It’s not a visualization that I would recommend but there might be use cases for it somewhere and it has been a good exercise in what we can do with visual calculations.

It’s very clever, I’ll give it that.

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