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Deploying a Power BI Project File via Azure DevOps

Angela Henry deploys to prod:

When it was announced there was a collective cheer from Power BI source control advocates heard ’round the world. Since it’s preview release, Microsoft has also added GIT integration with Fabric workspaces. This makes it so easy to incorporate source control for all (or almost all) of your Fabric artifacts, including Power BI.

But what happens when your organization already has a mature CI/CD process in place using Azure DevOps? Do you really want to break from that pattern and have it controlled somewhere else? That’s what this post is about, using Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines to deploy your Power BI Project files (.pbip).

I’m going to share my experience in hopes that it will save you some time if this is the route you need to take.

Read on for Angela’s experience. Note that this applies both to Microsoft Fabric as well as a Fabric-less Power BI.