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Workspace Folders in Microsoft Fabric

Koen Verbeeck double-checks the calendar:

That’s right, this is not an April Fool’s Joke! The most anticipated feature of Microsoft Fabric has arrived! I’m not talking about decent CI/CD support, or OneSecurity. Nope, this is all about the ability to create folders in your workspaces! Very important, since Fabric is a centralized SaaS data platform that allows you to create a gazillion different objects, but until now you had now way of actually organizing them.

To give you an idea about how many objects, this is what the filter currently shows (and some items are missing, like Eventhouse):

This is big. Even on a small proof of concept that I worked on, the lack of folders was annoying. On a full project, the pain becomes worse. Granted, it’s in public preview, so it might not be available to everybody right off the bat, but it’s certainly a step in the direction of usefulness.