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Durability and Hekaton

Rob Farley ponders a pair of potential performance improvements and their effects on durability:

Durability in SQL is handled by making sure that data changes are written to disk before the calling application is informed that the transaction is complete. We don’t walk out of a shop with our goods before the cashier has confirmed that the credit card payment has worked. If we did, and the payment bounced, the cashier would be calling us back pretty quickly. In SQL this is about confirming that the transaction log entry has been written, and it’s why you shouldn’t use disks with write-cache for databases

And yet, in-memory features of SQL, commonly called “Hekaton” handles transactions without writing to disk. The durability is delayed. This month, Todd Kleinhans invites us to write about Hekaton.

In-Memory OLTP is one of those features that I wish worked better for most use cases or didn’t have as many limitations around only working within the context of a single database. In practice, instead of using In-Memory OLTP for most tables, you’re usually better off just jamming more RAM on the box and limiting how many scans of large tables flush your buffer pool.