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Day: March 22, 2024

ggbrick in CRAN

Dan Oehm notes another brick in the wall:

If you’re looking for something a little different, ggbrick creates a ‘waffle’ style chart with the aesthetic of a brick wall. The usage is similar to geom_col where you supply counts as the height of the bar and a fill for a stacked bar. Each whole brick represents 1 unit. Two half bricks equal one whole brick.

It has been available on Git for a while, but recently I’ve made some changes and it now has CRAN’s tick of approval.

Click through to see how you can use it. This style of waffle chart, in the right scenario, can be quite useful, providing a high-level view and also giving you some idea of fine-grained magnitudes. H/T R-Bloggers.

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Mock Tests for R Packages

Maelle Salmon does a bit of mocking:

This blog featured a post on mocking, the art of replacing a function with whatever fake we need for testing, years ago. Since then, we’ve entered a new decade, the second edition of Hadley Wickham’s and Jenny Bryan’s R packages book was published, and mocking returned to testthat, so it’s time for a new take/resources roundup!

Click through to see how you can create mocks in R as well as some practical examples of mocks in action.

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Copilot in Azure SQL Database

Joe Sack gets in the cockpit:

We are excited to announce that Copilot in Azure SQL Database is now in limited public preview! Copilot in Azure SQL Database experiences are designed to streamline the design, operation, optimization, and health of Azure SQL Database-driven applications. It improves productivity in the Azure portal by offering natural language to SQL conversion and self-help for database administration.

Click through to see what you can do with it right now. I’d expect there will be more capabilities over time, too.

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An Example of an MD5 Hash Collision

John Cook shares an example of a hash collision:

Marc Stevens gave an example of two alphanumeric strings that differ in only one byte that have the same MD5 hash value. It may seem like beating a dead horse to demonstrate weaknesses in MD5, but it’s instructive to study the flaws of broken methods. And despite the fact that MD5 has been broken for years, lawyers still use it.

Click through for the example.

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Postgres Licensing in Light of Redis

Jonathan Katz share some thoughts:

(Disclosure: I’m on the PostgreSQL Core Team, but what’s written in this post are my personal views and not official project statements…unless I link to something that’s an official project statement 😉

I was very sad to learn today that the Redis project will no longer be released under an open source license. Sad for two reasons: as a longtime Redis user and pretty early adopter, and as an open source contributor. I’ll preface that I’m empathetic to the challenges of building businesses around open source, having been on multiple sides of this equation. I’m also cognizant of the downstream effects of these changes that can completely flip how a user adopts and uses a piece of technology.

Read on to learn about why Jonathan believes (with good reason) Postgres’s license is a lot more sticky.

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Redis License Change

Julia Liuson talks about big licensing news:

Today, Redis, a leading provider of in-memory data store solutions, announced a transition in its open-source licensing approach. Redis is moving away from the BSD 3-Clause License to a dual-license model, offering developers the choice between the Redis Source Available License version 2 (RSALv2) or the Server-Side Public License version 1 (SSPLv1).

Read on to learn what this means for Azure Cache for Redis.

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