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Pagination in Stored Procedures

Erik Darling hits on a bugbear of mine:

A common-enough practice to limit search results is to write paginated queries. You may give users the ability to specify how many rows per page they want to see, or you may have a set number of rows per page.

But the end goal is to allow users to very quickly get a smaller number of rows returned to them. Almost no one needs to get many thousands of rows back, unless they’re planning on exporting the data.

Pagination is such a common activity that I wish there were a way to say, “Here is my data. Hang onto it in memory and quickly retrieve a subset of rows upon request” without doing all kinds of shenanigans on my end. Something like a data snapshot that remains in memory as long as the session is active, until the service restarts, until there is memory pressure, or until the caller manually evicts the data. That would make OFFSET and FETCH really useful instead of barely usable for most pagination scenarios because you wouldn’t need to re-run the entire query for every offset/fetch page.

There are ways to make pagination efficient, but the efficient ones aren’t easy or intuitive.