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Month: December 2023

SSMS Improvements for Always Encrypted

Pieter Vanhove shares an update:

A couple of months ago we released a new version of the Always Encrypted Wizard that now supports secure enclaves and in-place encryption. With the new release of SSMS 19.2 we introduced a bunch of extra performance improvements and a big Always Encrypted Wizard enhancement. In this blog post I’m going to give you an overview of the new wizard capability and the performance improvements.

Read on to learn more about this new wizard, as well as what else the SSMS team has been working on with respect to Always Encrypted.

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Operating the Data Wrangler in Microsoft Fabric Notebooks

Gilbert Quevauvilliers rustles up some data:

In this blog post I am going to show you an easy way to clean your data (which is often fixing data issues or mis-spelt data) using the new feature Launch Data Wranger using DataFrames

I had previously blogged about using Pandas data frames but this required extra steps and details, if you are interested in that blog post you can find it here: Did you know that there is an easy way to shape your data in Fabric Notebooks using Data Wrangler?

In this blog post I am going to show you how I cleaned up the data in my location column.

Read on for a demonstration of what you can do.

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Preemptive vs Non-Preemptive Waits in SQL Server

Chad Callihan interrupts this broadcast for an important message:

Have you ever been reviewing SQL Server waits and spotted any that had PREEMPTIVE in the name? There about 200 variations of PREEMPTIVE wait types out there, so I’m guessing you’ve seen at least one at some point in your career. They don’t always get the same type of attention as a CXPACKET wait or a THREADPOOL wait, so perhaps you never took the time to find out what they mean. Let’s discuss PREEMPTIVE waits as well as what NON-PREEMPTIVE means.

Read on for the answer.

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