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Day: November 29, 2023

Power Regression in R

Steven Sanderson’s power level is over 9000:

In the realm of statistics, power regression stands out as a versatile tool for exploring the relationship between two variables, where one variable is the power of the other. This type of regression is particularly useful when there’s an inherent nonlinear relationship between the variables, often characterized by an exponential or inverse relationship.

Read on to learn more about the definition of power regression and how to perform it in R using a technique called “swole linear regression.” Or at least that’s what I think the technique should be called. Which is probably why I’m not in charge of naming things.

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Plotting The Effects of Noise on R^2

Tomaz Kastrun messes with R^2:

So, an R-squared of 0.59 might show how well the data fit to the model (hence goodness of fit) and also explains about 59% of the variation in our dependent variable.

Given this logic, we prefer our regression models to have a high R-squared. Yes? Right! And by useless test, with adding random noise to a function, what happens next?

I like Tomaz’s scenario here and think he does a good job demonstrating the outcome. I do, however, struggle with the characterization of “making R^2 useless.” When the error term approaches an enormous value relative to the regressable components, that R^2 is telling you that something else is dominating the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. And this is correct: that error term does dominate. I suppose the problem here is philosophical: we call it an error term but what it signifies is “information we don’t understand about the relationship between these variables.” Yes, in this toy example, it was randomly-generated noise. But in a real dataset, it’s not random; it’s inexplicable, at least given the information you know at that time and the mechanisms you use to analyze the relationship.

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Failure Writing Backups to Azure Blob Storage Due to Limits Reached

David Fowler hits a wall:

Picture this, you’re happily backing up your database to a Azure blob storage until suddenly it starts mysteriously failing with the error…

Write to backup block blob device https://****** failed. Device has reached its limit of allowed blocks.

What’s going on, nothing’s changed?!

Read on to learn the cause of this issue as well as three ways to fix it.

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Indexing for Substring Searches

Daniel Hutmacher prepares the bloom filter:

A question from a client got me thinking. Relational databases (at least the ones I know and love) can’t really index for queries that use LIKE queries for a substring of a column value. If you want to search for strings beginning with a given string, a regular rowstore index will have you covered. If you’re looking for entire words or sentences, a full text index might be a good call. But because of the very way indexes work, you’ll never get great performance searching for just arbitrary parts of a string.

So today I’ll put on my lab coat and do a little rocket surgery, just to prove to the world that it can be done.

The suffix tree approach was an interesting one. I’ve also seen people attack this problem using bloom filters (as I alluded to in the link text) and n-grams. A commenter does note n-grams (specifically, tri-grams) as a viable solution as well.

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Exploring a Dataset for Microsoft Fabric Suitability

Eugene Meidinger continues a series on learning Microsoft Fabric:

This is week 1 where I try to take Magic the Gathering draft data to learn Microsoft Fabric. Check out week 0 for some reasoning why.

So, before I do anything else, I want to get a sense of the data I’m looking at to see if it’s suitable for this project. I download the data, and because it’s gzipped, I use 7-zip to open it up on windows 10, or Windows explorer on Windows 11. In either case, the first thing I notice is the huge size disparity. When compressed, it is a quarter of a gigabyte. Uncompressed, it’s about 10 GB. This tells us something.

Read on to learn more about the dataset and how Eugene tackled some of the exploratory data analysis.

I also agree completely with Eugene’s point about serendipity. Keeping your metaphorical eyes open will increase the likelihood that you’ll just happen upon something that can help you later, or something that serves a need you didn’t know you had. I used to wander around the library back in my university days because I didn’t know what I didn’t know about topics (that is, the “unknown unknown” quadrant), so I’d just pick up some books that caught my eye. Not all of them are hits, though enough were to make the strategy worthwhile.

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When an Update Doesn’t Update

Aaron Bertrand offers some troubleshooting advice:

Tell me if you’ve heard this one before:

I changed data from my application, but when I checked the database, I couldn’t see the change!

I’ve seen this. Loads. It can be quite perplexing for folks because they expect to see an error message if the insert, update, or delete failed. I put this post together to provide some things you can investigate if this happens to you – you are sure that you updated the data, but when you check using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), your change isn’t there. For the remainder of the post, I’m going to use the word “update” to mean any change to the data, even MERGE {shudder}.

Read on for three major classes of reason. One bonus reason: you left the transaction open. Most application frameworks will close transactions after a statement, but if you’re hand-writing transaction logic in your app, forgetting a COMMIT can happen.

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Constraints in Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouses

Brian Bønk slips out of the constraints:

When working with data and building data models, I personally seldom use the constraints feature on a database. Call me lazy – but I think constraints are adding unnessesary complexity when building data models for reporting. Especially if you are working with the some of new platforms – like Microsoft Fabric, where you are using staleless compute, aka. data storage is seperated from the compute layer.

I understand the need for contraints on other database systems like OLTP systems.

In reporting models it can be somewhat usefull to have constraints between tables, as they help/force you to some level of governance in your datamodel.

But how can we use this in Microsoft Fabric and are they easy to work with?

Read on for those answers. I will note that I’m a stickler about constraints in transactional systems, though I agree that constraints in warehouses are not critical—assuming, at least, that you’re following the Kimball approach and have one and only one mechanism to write data, and that you have other mechanisms for vetting data quality.

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