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Day: July 11, 2023

Datatables and Calculations in KQL

Robert Cain follows up on a prior post:

In the conclusion of my last post, Fun With KQL – Datatable, I mentioned a datatable can also be useful when you need to do special calculations. I decided it really needed further explanation and created this post to dive in a bit deeper.

If you haven’t read my datatable post yet, you should as I’ll refer back to it. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Click through to see what Robert has in mind.

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Indexing in SQL Server Graph

Hugo Kornelis offers a mea culpa:

In my post, I pointed out that SQL Server automatically creates a unique nonclustered index on the (internal and hidden) column graph_id, that you can delete, but can’t modify. I added that users cannot specify indexes on that column, nor on the other internal and hidden columns that exist in edge tables (from_obj_id, from_id, to_obj_id, and to_id). These statements are factually correct, but misleading.

I then concluded from those facts that once you delete the automatically generated index, you can not re-create it. This is actually incorrect.

Read on for the correct answer, as well as more information on indexing practices and advice on the right kinds of indexes to create on graph tables.

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Fabric Data Integration

Teo Lachev reviews the primary methods for data ingestion in Microsoft Fabric:

Fabric supports three options for automated data integration: Data Pipeline (Azure Data Factory pipeline), Dataflow Gen2 (Power BI dataflow), and Notebook (Spark). I summarize these three options in the following table, which loosely resembles the Microsoft comparison table but with my take on it.

Read on for Teo’s thoughts on the matter.

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VBS Enclaves for Always Encrypted in Azure SQL DB Elastic Pools

Pieter Vanhove makes an announcement:

A few months ago we announced the support for virtualization-based security (VBS) enclaves in Azure SQL Database. This announcement brings numerous advantages, including robust confidential queries and seamless cryptographic operations, to all Azure SQL Database offerings, independent from the underlying hardware. You can use the feature with any compute tier (provisioned or serverless), purchasing model (vCore or DTU), compute size and region that aligns with your workload needs. And, since VBS enclaves are available in existing hardware offerings, there is no additional cost.

In addition to this preview, we are excited to announce the preview of VBS enclaves in Azure SQL Database elastic pools!

Read on to learn more about how to enable enclaves and add a database to an elastic pool.

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Microsoft Fabric Architectural Icons

Marc Lelijveld imports some icons:

In the past, I’ve made a file for Power BI to help you using the right icons to design your solutions and make architectural diagrams. With Fabric, a bunch of new services and icons have been introduced. This asks for a new file.

With this blog, I will provide the file for all new icons and elements of Fabric.

Click through for that link. Also note that you might be more familiar with the new name of,

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