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A New Sample Database

Daniel Hutmacher isn’t satisfied with AdventureWorks:

The database collation is Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_SC.

I’ve divided information into schemas based on their respective sources. The “ReferenceData” schema will have mixed sources, all of them publicly available.

Because the data is so geographically bound, many of the tables with have geo data as well, though I technically put it in a geometry type and not a geography type – just because it was easier. This can make for some cool map visuals in SSMS if you want.

Most columns and tables are annotated using the extended property MS_description, so if you view the extended properties in SSMS, or if you use my sp_ctrl3 utility, a brief description will show up for each object.

Read on for an overview of the database’s schema, as well as the link to download the DB. I’ll have to check it out.