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Granular Billing for Azure Data Factory

Chenye Charlie Zhu announces a new feature:

By default, Azure Data Factory reports lump sum charges for billing, meaning that at the factory level, we add up charges across all pipelines within a factory, and tell you how much you have spent on these pipelines. In many cases, these aggregate numbers should suffice. But in others, these numbers lack the clarity and transparency that we thrive to provide customers. For instance, if you are running data pipelines for multiple teams, you may want to determine the cost for each pipeline, for proper book-keeping and/or charge backs.

Now, Azure Data Factory will help you with this endeavor, with built-in per pipeline detailed billing view. Moreover, we built the feature on top of the Azure Billing and Cost Analysis platform, allowing you to stay with the cost and budget management tool that you are familiar with to identify spending trends and spot where overspending might have occurred.

Great if you have half a dozen pipelines. Probably less great if you have 500.