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Trying out Shiny Python

Jamie Owen kicks the tires on Py-shiny:

We would posit (see what we did there) that R-{shiny} has been a boon for data science practitioners using the R language over the last decade. We know that in our Python work, we have certainly been clamouring for something of the same ilk. And whilst there are other frameworks that we also like, streamlit and dash to name a couple, neither of them has filled us with the same excitement and confidence that shiny did in R to build both simple and complex bespoke web applications. With RStudio Posit conf in action the big news from July 27th was the alpha release of Py-{shiny} which was a source of great interest for us, so we couldn’t resist installing and starting to build.

If you are familiar with R-shiny already, then much of the py-shiny package will feel familiar to you (albeit with a couple of things having been renamed). However we will approach the rest of this post assuming that a reader does not have that prior experience and take you through building a simple shiny application to display plots on subsets of a dataset.

I’m curious how much take-up there will be for the library, given that there are several good competitors on Python.