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SQL Server 2022 and S3 Object Integration

Anthony Nocentino does some PolyBase work:

In this blog post, I’ve implemented two example environments for using SQL Server 2022’s s3 object integration. One for backup and restore to s3 compatible object storage and the other for data virtualization using Polybase connectivity to s3 compatible object storage. This work aims to get you up and running as quickly as possible to work with these new features. I implemented this in Docker Compose since that handles all the implementation and configuration steps for you. The complete code for this is available on my GitHub repo…I’m walking you through the implementation here in this post.

In my post Setting up MinIO for SQL Server 2022 s3 Object Storage Integration we did this step by step at the command line. Using Docker Compose it will do all the hard work for you and you can get up and running fast.

Let’s walk through what you’ll get in each environment.

Read the whole thing, especially the note at the bottom about minimum RAM requirements on the Docker container.