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Topic Modeling with Python

Sanil Mhatre takes us through topic modeling:

Topic modeling is a powerful Natural Language Processing technique for finding relationships among data in text documents. It falls under the category of unsupervised learning and works by representing a text document as a collection of topics (set of keywords) that best represent the prevalent contents of that document. This article will focus on a probabilistic modeling approach called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), by walking readers through topic modeling using the team health demo dataset. Demonstrations will use Python and a Jupyter notebook running on Anaconda. Please follow instructions from the “Initial setup” section of the previous article to install Anaconda and set up a Jupyter notebook.

The second article of this series, Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis: Power BI Visualizations, introduced readers to the Word Cloud, a common technique to represent the frequency of keywords in a body of text. Word Cloud is an image composed of keywords found within a body of text, where the size of each word indicates its frequency in that body of text. This technique is limited in its ability to discover underlying topics and themes in the text, because it only relies on the frequency of keywords to determine their popularity. Topic modeling overcomes these limitations and uncovers deeper insights from text data using statistical modeling for discovering the topics (collection of words) that occur in text documents.

Read on for an informative article with plenty of code.