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Apache Flink and Delta Lake

Max Fisher and Dylan Gessner use Flink to load data in Delta Lake:

As with all parts of our platform, we are constantly raising the bar and adding new features to enhance developers’ abilities to build the applications that will make their Lakehouse a reality. Building real-time applications on Databricks is no exception. Features like asynchronous checkpointingsession windows, and Delta Live Tables allow organizations to build even more powerful, real-time pipelines on Databricks using Delta Lake as the foundation for all the data that flows through the Lakehouse.

However, for organizations that leverage Flink for real-time transformations, it might appear that they are unable to take advantage of some of the great Delta Lake and Databricks features, but that is not the case. In this blog we will explore how Flink developers can build pipelines to integrate their Flink applications into the broader Lakehouse architecture.

Click through for two methods of doing so.