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Getting Started with Citus on Azure

Gauri Mahajan sets up Azure Database for PostgresSQL and picks the really expensive version:

PostgreSQL is an open-source and one of the most popular relational databases that are typically used for OLTP systems. One important feature of this database is that it’s supported by a large community, and with it comes several extensions that can be applied on the PostgreSQL server to use it for a variety of different applications. Examples of such extensions are AppOS, HypoPG, OpenFTS, PostGIS, TimescaleDB (PostgreSQL for time-series), etc.

One such PostgreSQL extension is Citus – which transforms PostgreSQL into a distributed database that enables usage of Postgres in a scale-out or cluster model. With Citus, the PostgreSQL server can be used for high transaction throughputs, processing time-series or IoT data, building analytical warehouses as well as for real-time analytics. Managing such dynamic infrastructure on which PostgreSQL, as well as Citus extension operates, can be quite challenging. Azure recently launched the Citus flavor of PostgreSQL in the form of Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Hyperscale server group. This can be compared to the likes of Azure Synapse or AWS Redshift. In this article, we will learn how to deploy the Hyperscale server group of the Azure Database for PostgreSQL and explore its configuration options.

Read on for setup instructions, as well as some of the benefits you get by using the Citus extension.