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Day: May 28, 2021

Querying Delta Lake Files with T-SQL in Azure Synapse Analytics

Jovan Popovic shows off a new feature in public preview for Azure Synapse Analytics serverless SQL pools:

You can use Azure Synapse and Azure Databricks to prepare and modify your Delta Lake data sets placed in the Azure Data Lake storage. Once your data engineers have prepared the data, your data analysts can create reports using the tools such as Power BI.

Using the serverless query endpoint in Azure Synapse, you can create a relational layer on top of your Delta Lake files that directly references the location where Azure Synapse and Azure Databricks are used to modify data. This way, you can get the real-time analytics on top of the Delta Lake data set without any need to wait for a pipeline to copy and prepare data.

Read on to see how this works.

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Understanding the STUFF() Function

Chad Callihan explains an important function:

I used to always see the STUFF function in passing when reading blogs and kind of move past it without understanding what it was doing. I would see it used and think it’s doing something with a bunch of stuff and kind of skip over it since it wasn’t entirely relevant to what else I was reading. When I read about what the STUFF function actually does, it made a lot more sense as a name. More than dealing with “a bunch of stuff” the STUFF function is used for stuffing a string into another string. Let’s check out a few examples of stuffing data.

Granted, 99% of its importance is in combination with FOR XML PATH() but that’s still important. And we get to see a few other use cases for it as well.

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Finding Cmdlets in Powershell

Jack Vamvas helps us with cmdlet lookup:

Question: I need to interrogate the module for a Powershell cmdlet but I can’t find the actual physical location of the file on the host server.  I can execute the cmd through the Powershell command line OK , but can’t find the powershell cmd file. Is there a Powershell method of locating the Powershell module files?

Click through to see the answer.

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Restoring Databases from Blob Storage Files

Stuart Moore talks us through a (rare) gap in dbatools:

In the comments here I was asked about using Restore-DbaDatabase when all you have is blobs in an Azure Storage account. This can be done, involves a couple of non dbatools steps.

Restore-DbaDatabase doesn’t natively ‘talk’ Azure, nor do any of the other dbatools commands. The reason for this is that we didn’t want to force dbatools users to have to install the AzureRM/Az powershell modules just to use our module. We’ve gone to a lot of effort to make sure that dbatools is acceptable to Security Admins and that it has a small(ish) footprint, and adding those large modules as prerequisites would have broken that.

Read on for how you can get around that.

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