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Showing Ranges of Data with a Single Slicer

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari have another good use case for calculation groups:

Because the axis of the visual must show months outside of the slicer selection, we cannot use the usual Date[Calendar Year Month] column. Indeed, if we put the Date[Calendar Year Month] column on the X-axis, the only visible month would be the selected month. It is worth remembering that the selection of the values to show on the axis is independent from the measure. If a slicer is filtering one month, there is no way to show additional months from the same table on either the rows or the columns (or the X-axis, as in the example).

Therefore, we must create a separate table that is not subject to filtering from the slicer. This way, columns from that table show all the rows, and we can control their visibility through a measure. Once the new table is in place, we write a measure that produces a value for only the last six months out of all the months visible, and leaves the remaining months blank in order to hide them.

Read on to see how.