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Chris Johnson looks at one way to protect dynamic SQL statements:

I don’t have the usual aversion to dynamic SQL that you find a lot of developers have. I use it quite regularly as part of my ETL processes, usually to define how data will move from one stage to another. So, for instance, I might have a single Validate procedure that takes a number of parameters, including an import table name, and moves data from that import table to a valid table according to my validation rules. Or I might have a single SCDMerge procedure that takes a transformation view and merges that into a slowly changing dimension (although not using the actual MERGE function for various reasons). These procedures allow me to have confidence that data will always move from one stage to another in the same way, and saves me from writing essentially the same statement 50 times, and having to update it 50 times when I need to change the way we do something, and inevitably missing something and introducing some error.

This always feels like a pretty safe use of dynamic SQL to me, because it avoids some of the more common objections people like to raise to it:

Click through to see how QUOTENAME() can help sanitize user inputs. I personally prefer the route of using sp_executesql but QUOTENAME() can also do the trick.