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Reverse ETL in a Modern Data Warehouse

James Serra reverses the polarity:

“Reverse ETL” is the process of moving data from a modern data warehouse into third party systems to make the data operational. Traditionally data stored in a data warehouse is used for analytical workloads and business intelligence (i.e. identify long-term trends and influencing long-term strategy), but some companies are now recognizing that this data can be further utilized for operational analytics. Operational analytics helps with day-to-day decisions with the goal of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization’s operations. In simpler terms, it’s putting a company’s data to work so everyone can make better and smarter decisions about the business. As examples, if your MDW ingested customer data which was then cleaned and mastered, that customer data can then by copied into multiple SaaS systems such as Salesforce to make sure there is a consistent view of the customer across all systems. Customer info can also be copied to a customer support system to provide better support to that customer by having more info about that person, or copied to a sales system to give the customer a better sales experience. As a last example, you can identify at-risk customers by surfacing customer usage data in a CRM.

Click through for more details, including information on a few startups working on reverse ETL projects.