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Semantic Search in Azure Cognitive Search

Rangan Majumder, et al, have an article on how semantic search works in Azure Cognitive Search:

As part of our AI at Scale effort, we lean heavily on recent developments in large Transformer-based language models to improve the relevance quality of Microsoft Bing. These improvements allow a search engine to go beyond keyword matching to searching using the semantic meaning behind words and content. We call this transformational ability semantic search—a major showcase of what AI at Scale can deliver for customers.

Semantic search has significantly advanced the quality of Bing search results, and it has been a companywide effort: top applied scientists and engineers from Bing leverage the latest technology from Microsoft Research and Microsoft Azure. Maximizing the power of AI at Scale requires a lot of sophistication. One needs to pretrain large Transformer-based models, perform multi-task fine-tuning across various tasks, and distill big models to a servable form with very minimal loss of quality. We recognize that it takes a large group of specialized talent to integrate and deploy AI at Scale products for customers, and many companies can’t afford these types of teams. To empower every person and every organization on the planet, we need to significantly lower the bar for everyone to use AI at Scale technology.

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