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Optimizing a SQL Server 2019 Project for a Dedicated SQL Pool

Kevin Chant shows us how we can modify a database schema intended for SQL Server 2019 to work best with an Azure Synapse Analytics dedicated SQL pool:

In this post I want to cover how you can transform your SQL Server database schema for a dedicated SQL Pool if you are using Azure DevOps. Because I covered it at Data Toboggan over the weekend and it can be very useful.

By the end of this post, you will know one way you can transform the schema of a database project for SQL Server 2019 if you are using Azure DevOps. So that you can make it optimal for dedicated SQL Pools.

Click through for the process and an example. Note that this isn’t a quick “check this box and you’re done” type of solution, but if you already have a proper star schema, this will help you think through some of the things you’ll need to do.