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Measuring Advertising Effectiveness

Layla Yang and Hector Leano walk us through measuring how effective an advertising campaign was:

At a high level we are connecting a time series of regional sales to regional offline and online ad impressions over the trailing thirty days. By using ML to compare the different kinds of measurements (TV impressions or GRPs versus digital banner clicks versus social likes) across all regions, we then correlate the type of engagement to incremental regional sales in order to build attribution and forecasting models. The challenge comes in merging advertising KPIs  such as impressions, clicks, and page views from different data sources with different schemas (e.g., one source might use day parts to measure impressions while another uses exact time and date; location might be by zip code in one source and by metropolitan area in another).

As an example, we are using a SafeGraph rich dataset for foot traffic data to restaurants from the same chain. While we are using mocked offline store visits for this example, you can just as easily plug in offline and online sales data provided you have region and date included in your sales data. We will read in different locations’ in-store visit data, explore the data in PySpark and Spark SQL, and make the data clean, reliable and analytics ready for the ML task. For this example, the marketing team wants to find out which of the online media channels is the most effective channel to drive in-store visits.A

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