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Forcing a Shrink of TempDB

Monica Rathbun has a script for people who just want to watch the world burn:

Occasionally, we must resize or realign our Tempdb log file (.ldf) or data files (.mdf or .ndf) due to a growth event that forces the file size out of whack. To resize we have three options, restart the SQL Server Service, add additional files, or shrink the current file. We most likely have all been faced with run away log files and in an emergency situation restarting the SQL Services may not be an option but we still need to get our log file size smaller before we run out of disk space for example. The process of shrinking down that file can get tricky so I created this flow chart to help you out if you ever get into this situation.

Now its very important to note that many of these commands will clear your cache and will greatly impact your server performance as it warms cache backup. In addition, you should not shrink your database data or log file unless absolutely necessary. But doing so,  it can result in a corrupt tempdb.

Click through for the process, including a well-made flow chart with a large “Know what you’re doing before doing this” warning.