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Using Jupyter as an External Tool for Power BI Desktop

David Eldersveld continues a series on Power BI external tools:

Many people use Python with notebooks, so let’s take a look at one possible way to enable a Jupyter external tool for Power BI Desktop. The following stepwise approach begins with simply opening Jupyter. It then progresses to creating and opening a notebook that includes Power BI’s server and database arguments. Finally, it works its way toward downloading a notebook definition contained in a GitHub gist and connects to Power BI’s tabular model to start to make this approach more useful.

This post continues a series of posts related to Python and Power BI. The first three parts of this blog series introduced some possible uses for Python connected to a Power BI model, how to setup a basic Python external tool, and how to both use it with a virtual environment and connect to the Tabular Object Model.

This was a cool usage of Power BI’s external tool functionality and starts to give you an idea of how powerful it can be.