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Exactly-Once Semantics in Kafka

Boyang Chen and Bob Barrett look at some changes to exactly-once semantics in Apache Kafka:

When using EOS, the producer and broker both have logic to determine whether it is safe for a producer to continue to send data without violating the exactly-once guarantees. Prior to Kafka 2.5, if either the producer or broker was ever not able to make this determination, the producer would enter a fatal error state. The only way to continue processing was to close the producer and create a new one. This process is generally very disruptive to client applications. For example, if a producer fails in Kafka Streams, then the associated task needs to be migrated, which causes a rebalance of the full workload. This results in throughput drop until the rebalance is complete.

To address this issue, KIP-360 added a mechanism for producers to automatically recover when they encounter these cases and continue processing. To better understand how it works, the following describes some of the situations that can cause fatal errors.

There have been several improvements to the process. Though to be honest, when I hear someone mention exactly-once in a distributed system, it sets off my spidey senses.