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Query Scheduling with Apache Hive

Zoltan Haindrich and Jesus Camacho Rodriguez walk us through scheduled queries in Apache Hive:

To fulfill that purpose, recently Apache Hive introduced a new feature called scheduled queries. Using SQL statements, users can schedule Hive queries to run on a recurring basis, monitor their progress, and optionally disable a query schedule.

In a nutshell, every scheduled query in Hive consists of (i) a unique name to identify the schedule, (ii)  the actual SQL statement to be executed, and (iii) the schedule at which the query should be executed defined by a Quartz cron expression. In addition, a scheduled query belongs to a namespace, i.e., a collection of HiveServer2 instances that are responsible to execute the query.

Read on for examples of how you might create, use, and learn about scheduled queries running on a system.