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The Key Concepts of Azure Synapse Analytics

Simon Whiteley takes a look at what Azure Synapse Analytics really is:

You might have seen that I’ve been pretty busy recently, digging into the new Azure Synapse Analytics preview, announced back at Microsoft Build 2020. I’ve explored the spark engine, SQL serverless/On-Demand and various other bits… but I’m still getting the same question of “Cool!…. but what actually is it?”. One of the problems here is that Azure SQL Data Warehouse was rebranded as “Azure Synapse Analytics”… but it’s not the same as the full workspace. Having two products, both talked about in Marketing, one generally available, one still in preview – it’s no wonder people are still confused!

Simon also has a video, which I recommend so that you can enjoy the funny way he pronounces “Synapse.” That said, next time I’m in the UK, it’ll be just as fair for someone to point out the funny way I pronounce “Synapse.” Also, you should watch the video because Simon knows the topic cold and does a great job of explaining things.