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Month: May 2020

A Naming System for Schedules

Daniel Janik shares a naming scheme for schedules in systems like SQL Agent and Azure Data Factory:

This tip comes from my DBA days working with SQL Agent Job schedules. If you’ve ever worked on a server where many people created job schedules you’ll know exactly what I mean when I say the schedule names can be really annoying.

This is because the names are not meaningful at all. They are either a GUID thanks to SSRS or something useless like “Schedule 1” or you have 6 different versions of “Every 5 min” when the schedule actually only runs every 15 min on Mondays.

The Linux nerd in me says “Could’ve just used cron naming.” I think Daniel’s naming scheme takes a little bit of time to get used to, but it makes sense.

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The Benefits of Indirect Checkpoints

Aaron Bertrand has success with using indirect checkpoints:

I was a bit perplexed by this issue, since the system was certainly no slouch — plenty of cores, 3TB of memory, and XtremIO storage. And none of these FlushCache messages were ever paired with the 15 second I/O warnings in the error log. Still, if you stack a bunch of high-transaction databases on there, checkpoint processing can get pretty sluggish. Not so much because of the direct I/O, but more reconciliation that has to be done with a massive number of dirty pages (not just from committed transactions) scattered across such a large amount of memory, and potentially waiting on the lazywriter (since there is only one for the whole instance).

Read on for several links and the results of Aaron’s testing.

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I Remember Halloween

Paul White talks about the Halloween Problem:

Much has been written over the years about understanding and optimizing SELECT queries, but rather less about data modification. This series looks at an issue that is specific to INSERTUPDATEDELETE and MERGE queries – the Halloween Problem.

The phrase “Halloween Problem” was originally coined with reference to a SQL UPDATE query that was supposed to give a 10% raise to every employee who earned less than $25,000. The problem was that the query kept giving 10% raises until everyone earned at least $25,000.

We will see later on in this series that the underlying issue also applies to INSERTDELETE and MERGE queries, but for this first entry, it will be helpful to examine the UPDATE problem in a bit of detail.

This is a classic problem in data management and has led to a good bit of confusion over time about why database updates can perform worse than you’d expect.

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Queries Which Query Store Won’t Capture

Jeff Iannucci takes us through queries which Query Store doesn’t capture:

But what if you wanted to use Query Store for a different reason in a migration? What if to see which stored procedures are actually being used, and which are just sitting there unused like that box of commercial toilet paper you panic purchased last month?

What if you set the capture mode to “All”, but then noticed you weren’t actually capturing All of the queries in your database?

Click through for the full report.

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