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Using Plan Guides to Bootstrap Query Store

Hugo Kornelis gives us a way to use Query Store to force plans on a different server, using plan guides as the instrument:

Query Store only allows you to force plans that the Query Store has “seen” on that instance, and in that database. If you have a query and you want to force a specific plan, you will need to first ensure that the query runs, at least once, under the right circumstances to create the desired plan, so that the Query Store can capture it. Sometimes that is easy, in which case this blog is not for you.

What if you know you need to force the execution plan, you know you’ll get that execution plan only when a lot of data is already in the database, and you need to ship your software with an empty database to your customers? How do you set it up to force the plan you need?

Click through for the answer, and I give Hugo bonus points for using Raleigh as the example.