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Month: February 2020

Resource Limitations with Azure Data Factory

Paul Andrew has a public service announcement for us:

As far as I can tell Microsoft do an excellent job at managing data centre capacity so I completely understand the reason for having limitations on resources in place. There is no such thing as a limitless cloud platform.

Note; in a lot of cases (as you’ll see in the below table for Data Factory) the MAX limitations are only soft restrictions that can easily be lifted via a support ticket. Please check before raising alerts and project risks.

Click through for the limits, and “contact support” definitely is good advice if you’re expecting to push past those limits.

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Queueing Event Notifications with Service Broker

Max Vernon ties event notifications to Service Broker:

My previous post shows how to configure an Event Notification to fire whenever a login event occurs. The post uses Service Broker to receive those Event Notifications into a queue, which is then processed by a stored procedure and saved into a standard SQL Server database. This post provides a quick+dirty VB.Net command line monitor that shows how full a Service Broker queue is.

The following code should be pasted into a blank Visual Studio VB.Net console project. It is trivially easy to translate this into C#, but I like VB – what can I say.

Click through for the code. No F# translation from me, however, as I am lazy.

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