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Fun with asciidocs

Sheldon Hull explains the value of asciidocs:

Documentation is such an important part of a developer’s life. I think we often take it for granted, and it’s an afterthought in many projects. However, as I consider my work, I know that I’m not reinventing the wheel very often 😀. Most of what I do is built on the back of others’ work. When I use tooling, I’m reading the documentation and using it as my basis to get work done. When I use my notes and blog posts as a reference, I’m using my informal version of knowledge gathering.

INVEST in documenting your work as you go, for the person behind you. You don’t find time to do it, you make time to do it while you work, as a first class citizen of your work, not an after-thought. Think of all the times you’ve had to dig for answers and save someone else that experience.

Sheldon is not wrong.