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Viewing Power BI Audit and Activity Logs

Jeff Pries gives us the rundown on auditing in Power BI:

When using the cloud-based Power BI Service,, every action that is taken while logged into the portal — whether it is viewing or publishing a report, creating a new workspace, or even signing up for a pro trial license, that activity is logged within the Microsoft servers as part of the Office 365 audit logs.

Accessing these logs can be accomplished via a couple of different methods (either through the Office 365 Audit Log functionality using the Office 365 Admin Center or PowerShell cmdlets; or through the new Power BI Activity Log (Power BI Get Activity Events) functionality accessible via a PowerShell cmdlet (Get-PowerBIActivityEvent) and an API). There are a few examples out there already on how to use these commands to access the data (and I have a post on accessing the data using the Power BI API and C# coming out in a few week), but there doesn’t seem to be a lot out there about the data itself, which is what I plan to focus on here.

Read on for more details as well as the structure around a forthcoming application to parse these logs and store them locally in SQL Server.