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Testing Power BI Report Performance in the Browser

Chris Webb continues a series on testing Power BI report performance in a browser. Part 2 walks us through some of the mechanics of the process:

Before you publish your report, in Power BI Desktop add a blank page with no visuals on to it. It doesn’t need to be the page that is opened when the report opens and you will be able to delete it later. Why do this? When you’re testing how long it takes for your report page to render, you’re probably doing so because you want to improve performance. Some things in the report page that influence performance you have the power to change, such as the design of the dataset, the DAX in the measures, the number and type of visuals on a page; some things will always happen when a report runs and you have to accept that overhead. Testing how long a blank page takes to render will give you an idea of how long this latter category of “things that always happen” takes, and you can subtract this time from the time your chosen report page takes to run.

Part 3 is a demonstration of the process:

…so you go ahead and publish. You view the report after publishing and it still seems fast. Then the complaints start coming in: the report is slow!?! It seems to be users who are viewing the report on their phone who are having the most problems. So, following the instructions in my last post, you open up Chrome DevTools and run an audit using a simulated slow 4G connection:

That’s an important part of testing. We normally develop inside a fast network, but our users may be on rather slow networks.