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Custom Power BI Visuals with Charticulator

Kasper de Jonge shows how we can use Charticulator to build out custom visuals in Power BI:

Recently I attended an excellent session by Andy Kirk on the state of data visualization for 2019. One of the tools Andy is most excited about is called Charticulator. For those of you that haven’t heard about it, Charticulator is an open source project from Microsoft Research. Using a web UI you can design almost any charts by interactively specifying constraints (NO code).

The best news is that you can use these visuals directly in Power BI. You can even use your own data coming from the PBI data model. This came as news for many at Andy Kirk’s session so decided to do a quick post on it. Building very custom charts entices a lot of data artists but it is often hard to bring this to main stream BI product. The ease of the Charticulator and Power BI integration brings this type of data visualizations to a much broader audience.

This is a lot easier than telling people to learn D3, though Charticulator will necessarily have more limitations than writing all of the code yourself.