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Monitoring Big Data Clusters

Mohammad Darab continues a series on Big Data Clusters:

There are many ways to view the health of your Big Data Cluster. As of CTP 3.0, there are kubectl commands, mssqlctl commands as well as dashboards. For the sake of this series, I will focus on the dashboards. I will blog about some of the useful kubectl and mssqlctl commands in later posts.

The first dashboard is the Microsoft Cluster Administration portal (see below snapshot). This is a view into the Big Data Cluster Controller. As you can see from the image below, the Overview pane shows the Controller, Master Instance and all the pools. On the left hand side you can see more details. If you click on the “Service Endpoint” option, you will see a list of endpoints that you can bookmark.

Something I appreciate is that Microsoft thought ahead on what the monitoring story should look like rather than waiting until the end and slapping something together.