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Controlling Power BI Visual Visibility

Matt Allington shows how we can take one Power BI visual and use it to control the visibility status of another visual:

I have written a few articles in the past that toy with the ideas of changing visibility and text colour based on selection.  I started to wonder if it was possible to make a visual appear (or not) based on a selection from the user.  There is no out of the box way to do that today. It is possible to use bookmarks to show an hide an object, but the user must click a specific button to do this. I want the user to be able to interact with a report and see (or not see) a chart based on some valid selection across the report.  Microsoft is already working on building expression based formatting across the breadth of Power BI however as of now the only item you can change is the header in a chart.

Hopefully this gets better over time.