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Time Travel in Snowflake

Koen Verbeeck shows an interesting feature in Snowflake:

Time travel in Snowflake is similar to temporal tables in SQL Server: it allows you to query the history rows of a table. If you delete or update some rows, you can retrieve the status of the table at the point in time before you executed that statement. The biggest difference is that time travel is applied by default on all tables in Snowflake, while in SQL Server you have to enable it for each table specifically. Another difference is Snowflake only keeps history for 1 day, configurable up to 90 days. In SQL Server, history is kept forever unless you specify a retention policy.

How does time travel work? Snowflake is built for the cloud and its storage is designed for working with immutable blobs. You can imagine that for every statement you execute on a table, a copy of the file is made. This means you have multiple copies of your table, for different points in time. Retrieving time travel data is then quite easy: the system has only to search for the specific file that was valid for that point in time. Let’s take a look at how it works.

It looks interesting, though the “Snowflake doesn’t have backups like you know them in SQL Server” gives pause.