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Tidying Video Game Data

Arvid Kingl has a fun article analyzing data from an open-source video game and applying tidy data principles to it:

You will learn what key principles a tidy data set adheres to, why it is useful to follow them consequently, and how to clean the data you are given. Tidying is also a great way to get to know a new data set.

Finally, in this tutorial you will learn how to write a function that makes your analysis look much cleaner and allows you to execute repetitive elements in your analysis in a very reproducible way. The function will allow you to load the latest version of the data dynamically into a flexible data scheme, which means that large parts of the code will not have to change when new data is added.

Check it out. Bonus point: tidy data is Boyce-Codd Normal Form which is (potentially) subsequently widened back out to include dimensional information.