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Benefits of Partitioning in Spark

The Hadoop in Real World team take a look at how appropriate partitioning can make your Spark jobs much faster:

Shuffle is an expensive operation whether you do it with plain old MapReduce programs or with Spark. Shuffle is he process of bringing Key Value pairs from different mappers (or tasks in Spark) by Key in to a single reducer (task in Spark). So all key value pairs of the same key will end up in one task (node). So we can loop through the key value pairs and do the needed aggregation.

Since production jobs usually involve a lot of tasks in Spark, the key value pairs movement between nodes during shuffle (from one task to another) will cause a significant bottleneck. In some cases Shuffle is not avoidable but in many instances you could avoid shuffle by structuring your data little differently. Avoiding shuffle will have an positive impact on performance.

Read the whole thing. Getting partitions right is critical to writing scalable Spark jobs.