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Remote Code Execution with CallBimlScriptContent

Bill Fellows describes the ability to execute code in Biml from a remote source with the CallBimlScriptContent function:

CallBimlScriptContent was introduced with the migration from Mist to BimlStudio. Why is this cool? You do not have to use files sitting on your computer as the source for your Biml. As long as you can reconstitute the Biml contents into a string, you can store your scripts where ever you’d like. If you want them in a database, that’s great. Store them in the cloud? Knock yourself out.

As a consultant, the latter is rather compelling. Maybe I’m only licensing my clients to use accelerators during our engagement. If I leave files on the file system after I roll off, or they image my computer and accidentally collect them, I am David fighting Goliath. CallBimlScriptContent is a means to protect myself and my IP. Let’s look at a trivial example. I set a C# string with an empty Package tag (hooray for doubling up my double quotes). Within my Packages collection, I invoke CallBimlScriptContent passing in my Biml content.

Bill’s use case was one I hadn’t thought about, but it does make sense.