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Querying Cosmos DB Execution Metrics

Hasan Savran shows us how to retrieve execution metrics for a Cosmos DB call:

When I speak about CosmosDB, I always get questions like “How can I retrieve information about the execution plans?” or “Isn’t there a tool like SSMS which can show me what’s happening in the background?” Usually, questions like that comes from DBAs. If you have questions like that, I have good and bad news for you. Good news is, Yes you can get retrieve metrics from CosmosDB about execution plans. Bad news is, you need to know some programming to be able to do that because you need to use CosmosDB SDK.

     The only way to access this information is from CosmosDB SDK 2.x. I couldn’t retrieve execution metrics by using SDK 3.x for custom queries. Here is the available metrics you can retrieve from CosmosDB queries.

I wonder if this is a “this is still new” thing, a “you don’t need these where you’re going” thing, or a “this is exactly how we envisioned implementation” thing. Especially around getting per-query metrics after the fact.