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CSV Cleanup With Powershell

Andy Mallon has a quick fix when some rows in a CSV are missing values:

I was just goofing around with the data, so I didn’t really need anything perfect…but I did want something that was good enough to be repeatable, in case I wanted to do it again.
Fixing thousands of rows by hand sounded like torture. Heck. No.
The data was from a publicly available data set, so getting the file format fixed seemed like it would probably be neither quick nor easy. Depending on others could be a dead end, and while this would be the “rightest” solution to ensure a stable future fix, it was overkill for my casual playtime.

Andy has shown the easy way. Now we lock him in a room with sed and a book on regular expressions to learn the other way. The correct answer to that, of course, is to fashion a pick kit out of the book (and whatever else you might be able to acquire) to get out.